If you lost, can't remember, or believe your password has been compromised, please take these steps to reset your password and keep your account secure.
Resetting your Password
- Go to https://app.channel99.com/sign-in and Click the "Forgot Password" link at the bottom of the screen in the green box.
- Once on the "Forgot Password" page, input your business email (also used as your username) and click "Set Temporary Password"
Go to your business email and look for the temporary password message. Note that this may take a few minutes. If you have waited more than a few minutes, you may need to search for the temporary password in your inbox. A good search phrase if you cannot find the email is "Channel99 Password Reset".
- Go back to https://app.channel99.com/sign-in and log in with your temporary password.
- Follow the instructions to create a new password and continue to the Channel99 Platform.
My Temporary Password isn't working, what now?
If you have received a temporary password in your email inbox and it's not working when it's copy and pasted into the password field, it's good to try these quick tips.
- Delete Spaces - The copy and paste errors are common and usually do it an extra space before or after the intended text string. Check and delete any spaces before or after the temporary password to avoid this.
- Incognito - If you have tried your temporary password and it's not allowing a login, try opening an incognito window which doesn't keep a cache. It's possible your browser is keeping a previous cache and interrupting your login. An incognito window will test this.
- Clear Cache - If you aren't using chrome or you found that the incognito window allowed you to login, clear your browser cache for Channel99.com and try to login.
If you're unable to login after this quick troubleshooting, reach out to Support@channel99.com.
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